Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

More Progress on the Column

More Progress on the Column

Keep: The column is pretty much complete and we’re please as punch about how it turned out. The only thing they have left to do is put the top back on and then we need to paint it. I am actually amazed at how quickly they rebuilt it. For some reason, I thought it would take weeks and it turned out to only take about one. They should be completely finished by early next week!

Delete: It’s small, but we didn’t make it out to the farm today since Dixie is out there this weekend and she’s feeding the animals. We’ve been going every day this week and it’s been so fun to visualize staying in Holiday House. What can I say? I miss that house when we’re not there.

An Afternoon at the Park

An Afternoon at the Park

Progress on the Column!

Progress on the Column!