Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Progress on the Column!

Progress on the Column!

Keep: The new column is coming along so nicely! The crew was here all day again putting the 100 year old bricks into place one by one as they rebuilt the column and placed the new concrete top they poured (on site) onto the new brick wall. I love how well it’s turning out. I was worried for a minute if they would be able to make it look like it did before, but IMO it looks even better.

Delete: Overall it was kind of a blah Thursday. PJ took a nap. I returned some things and bought some sheets for our kids’ rooms at Holiday House. A simple day, really.

More Progress on the Column

More Progress on the Column

Rebuilding the Damaged Column at Home

Rebuilding the Damaged Column at Home