Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Rebuilding the Damaged Column at Home

Rebuilding the Damaged Column at Home

Keep: For the last few days, a crew has been at our house all throughout the day repairing our column that the tree company damaged when they cut down the tree that fell during a bad storm last month. It’s weird, and kind of sad to be honest, to see our 100 year old house in such disarray, but we’ve been restoring this old home for years now, so we’re not gonna let a little brick work get to us. It’s actually kind of cool to see the carport like this. Maybe we’ll leave it open instead of building back the half wall?

Delete: PJ’s being cheap and, to cut costs, told our contractor that we would repaint the column ourselves. The biggest problem? We painted our house seven years ago when we first moved in, so anything we paint now isn’t going to match because it’s faded over time, which means we will have to repaint all the trim on the front of our house. I’m wondering if he thought that part through. 😂

PS: New issue of Okay McKay!!!!

Progress on the Column!

Progress on the Column!

It Won't Be Long Now

It Won't Be Long Now