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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Weekend Chicken Tacos & a Little Taste of Summer Nights

Weekend Chicken Tacos & a Little Taste of Summer Nights


The weather this past weekend was nothing short of perfect.

It was just the right mix of rainy/cold/cozy that we long for every now and again, and warm and breezy with little to no humidity (which is rare for Tennessee). During the rainy parts, we lit candles and cleaned the house while sipping on coffee all day. It was relaxing and calming and felt like exactly what we needed after the week we had.

During the sunny and breezy parts, we either had the windows and doors open or were outside all day. We get weather like this only a few weeks out of the year, during the spring and fall. Most days in Tennessee are hot and humid, so we relish the days where we can open the windows and not feel the sweat beading up after a few minutes.

PJ got the idea to make tacos on Saturday night, complete with homemade salsa and guacamole, and because we know you’ve never had it, we’re just going to tell you: PJ makes the best guacamole. If we could bottle it m and sell it at the store, we would. Since we’re not doing that any time soon, you’re gonna have to take our word for it.


The kiddos were SO INTO the guacamole and salsa making process. They helped us by finishing off the lemons and limes when we were done juicing them, and kept wanting to smell everything we were making. Little brother is big into smells and always makes his way into the kitchen when we’re cooking to tap us and say, “I wanna smell?” and no matter what we’re making or what it smells like, he says, “mmm!!!” every single time and it’s the cutest thing ever.


It was a beautiful weekend, and we’re hoping this weekend, with temps being in the 80’s, will be just as nice. Hope you had a good week, friends. Come back later on today for this week’s Feature Friday, and check out our YouTube for a new video premiering at 3p EDT! xx


Feature Friday with Matthew Chaffee

Feature Friday with Matthew Chaffee

Fancy Frozen Pizza