Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Have a Gorgeous Friday Night

Have a Gorgeous Friday Night

Dear reader,

How was your week? What are you up to on this (very) warm Friday evening? It feels like we’ve had fall on the brain all week, even though it’s been almost 100 degrees every day. I have lit an autumn candle just about every night and it brings me comfort, as yummy scented candles often do.

Meanwhile, we’ve been home all day because PJ doesn’t feel well. This happens every single year around this time. The kids start school and, inevitably, one (or all) of us ends up sick. We get this huge break from illness during the summer when the kids aren’t at school and then as soon as it starts back up, we all take turns coughing and sneezing and feeling puny. Such is the season of life we’re in!

I think we’ll spend the night on the couch with popcorn watching Love & Death or the new Flash movie. We can’t afford to be sick for very long, so getting better is our number one priority right now.

Hope you have a lovely weekend, loves xoxo.

The Most Delicious (and Addicting) Bacon Cheese Dip Ever

The Most Delicious (and Addicting) Bacon Cheese Dip Ever

We Have Doors In and Trim Up at Holiday House!

We Have Doors In and Trim Up at Holiday House!