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We're Doing Dry (ish) January

We're Doing Dry (ish) January

Do you partake in Dry January?

We did it last year for the first time, and I found it was a nice way to start the year off with a fresh, clean slate. It just felt like a good reset; a wonderful way to begin the next 365 days.

Well, we’re starting it this year again, albeit with a slightly different approach. Our friend Matt first told me the term “Damp January” last week and I busted out laughing. Turns out, it’s becoming a popular way to tackle Dry January!

Katie Austin, a fitness influencer, said in a recent TikTok that Damp January is about, “not restricting ourselves but being more mindful about [drinking], and teaching ourselves balance.” She goes on to say that the goal is, “drinking less, yet still enjoying my life, [and] asking myself more often, ‘is it worth it?’ And if so, making better choices in terms of less drinks and sugar intake, etc! That way, you can implement this all year round.”

We have been good with it so far, only drinking once last Friday when we all went out to celebrate Matt’s birthday, and overall I feel good about it 10 days in I haven’t had a big yearning to drink wine yet, except for last night when I was making spaghetti and listening to Bossa Nova and all I could picture was how much more perfect it would be with a glass in hand while I sautéed the garlic. But I quickly got over that and realized I was just fine without it.

I also like to cut back on drinking at the start of the year to reduce my daily caloric intake. I indulged when it came to eating unhealthy foods over the holidays, something I discuss in this week’s issue of Okay McKay, and this feels like a good way to help balance everything out.

So! I’m excited for giving my body a little bit of a detox this month. We’ll see how it goes. I’m not going to be too hard on myself, but I do want to take my health more seriously this year, which means cutting back on drinking all together, not just during January. I started drinking less at the end of last year, around November, and I could tell a difference when I woke up every day. I was so much less foggy and groggy and I just felt better all around. I would love to get to where I’m only drinking on the weekends or during celebrations, and I think I’m on the right track.

Dry January, here we go!

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New Life

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