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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Move In Process Has Begun

The Move In Process Has Begun

Keep: Today we started bringing over little things to Holiday House so that we can stay there this weekend, and after almost four years of renovating this house, I honestly can’t believe we’re finally at this point. We spent the whole evening cleaning, opening mattresses, washing slipcovers and sheets, and putting away the items we bought like coffee and creamer and cleaning supplies. The kids helped us wipe down chairs and bring in all the stuff in between playing outside (but not for too long because it was 95 degrees the entire day). Tomorrow will be our first night in the house!

Delete: Despite my grocery store run today, we still have SO much more to get before being able to stay at Holiday House comfortably. There are tons of little things that you keep in a house that you don’t really think about on a daily basis, like sponges or lightbulbs, for instance. But we’re starting from scratch, so I anticipate many more store trips before we have everything we need.

Our First Night Staying at Holiday House

Our First Night Staying at Holiday House

We Have a Washer and Dryer At Holiday House!

We Have a Washer and Dryer At Holiday House!