Busy Day at Home
Keep: I can’t remember the last time we were this busy in every aspect of our life. I think I sent about a hundred emails today and corresponded with our manager just as much. I didn’t get to cross everything off on my to-do list because there was dinner to be made and spelling words to go over, but I’m hoping a huge burst of energy will hit me tomorrow and we’ll get everything finished that we need to before going out tomorrow night for a fun event. Still, I am grateful to be so busy and know that life won’t always be this chaotic; it’s just the season of life we’re in. I’m taking it all in and realizing I actually enjoy staying busy, something my younger self would have scoffed at.
Delete: Okay while I do enjoy being busy, I also enjoy watching our programs on the couch at the end of the night, which didn’t happen tonight because we’re working right up until bed time.